It is going to be different but what else is new. Make sure you bring someone with you.
Back from Seattle
Well we're back. It was a great trip, although I am still completely drained. Late nights followed by early mornings will do that. The concerts were awesome. Lincoln didn't even get on stage until 11 p.m. One of the highlights was during the concert Saturday night. One portion was called "Songwriters in the Round." They brought couches out on stage and had a group of songwriters just take turns sharing their songs. We got to hear: Andy Park - In the Secret, Kelly Carpenter - Draw Me Close to You, - Katherin Scott, Hungry - Brian Doerksen, Come, Now is the Time to Worship, - Brenton Brown, Everlasting God - and Karen Lafferty, Seek Ye First. It was amazing to see and hear these worshipers sing the songs that we use and have used for so long.
They closed the session with video of Roby Duke, who passed away last Christmas. He is by far one of the most creative and emotive people I have ever seen. It was quite and experience to see him on the screens and not see him on the stage. Even though the recording is two years old and Roby has been with Jesus for almost a year it was still a powerful moment of worship.
This is Roby at his best, passionately pursuing Jesus. I hope you feel the presence of God as much as I do when I watch this.
That's enough for now. I will tell you more about what we saw and learned later.
Election Day
The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let them say among the nations, "The LORD reigns!"
1 Chronicles 16:30-31
This Spoke to me today as I was thinking about the election. A lot of times we focused on ourselves and kind of forget that there is a bigger picture in place.
Despite how we feel sometimes the world is not going to come to an end just because someone does or doesn't get elected. Look at the first verse there. "the world is firmly established; it cannot be moved."
But what really gets me is the last part. Why are the heavens rejoicing and why is the earth glad? Because "the Lord Reigns!" Not because we are pursuing green technology, not because one party gained more than another, not because of anything that we can do. It is because the LORD REIGNS!
I have to remind myself of that a lot. I can find myself in places where it doesn't look like I'm going to get out. It's in those places that I have to remember that THE LORD REIGNS.
So as we move forward into whatever the future holds we must remember that Jesus is in control and has the final say on everything.