So in the positions that I serve I have a lot of ideas and thoughts float my way. Some of them are on purpose and others just kind of pop up in one way or another. I can have a hard time figuring out which are things worth pusuing and which are ones that I should just leave alone. Ideas don't always make me a popular guy. When I took the position of Communications Director I had to make several desicions that didn't make some people happy. We (as a church) had very poor communications. It was a huge, convoluted mess and we needed to get it worked out. What I had to decide was how. We started by chopping away things until we were opperating with the absolute minimum. This made some upset because we didn't (and still don't) have a regular newsletter. Unfortunatly there aren't many ways for you to see what goes into putting something like that together. I'm hoping that this blog can provide some insight.
I need to ask you to trust us a little bit more. We have several ideas that we are pursuing to continue to help the communications get better around here. You may have noticed that the weekly bulletin is mostly for people who are new. We did that on purpose! We want you who are regulars and members to be able to get info too, but we hope that you will use the website, the blogs, and the fastblast in order to get it. We are currently working on a monthly publication that in conjunction with the blogs will help to replace the newsletter.
I would love it if you have thoughts, ideas, suggestions, likes, dislikes that you would let me know. You can email me ( or post it here in the comments. Without your input and observations we can't really tell if something is working or not. I am here to serve Jesus and you, so please let me know how we can do this better!
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